about us
St Martin's Lawn Tennis Club: Where Tennis Tradition Meets Community Spirit
Members are invited to introduce new members to the Club. Application forms can be obtained from the clubhouse or the membership secretary. Prospective members may be invited to play with their proposer and Committee Members (or nominated players) before their membership is ratified. Prospective members are entitled to use the facilities on a maximum of three occasions; on each occasion they should sign the visitors’ book (kept in the Clubhouse). Thereafter a completed application form and payment must be sent to the membership secretary.

Senior and Junior members are entitled to bring a guest to the Club. The member should put the guests name in the Visitors Book and sign accordingly. A member may bring a maximum of 3 guests (at any one session) and no guest may be introduced more than six times. Please note after six visits’ visitors must join and become members if they wish to use the Club’s facilities.; Guests should sign the “Visitors” book along with the member. Abuse of this rule could lead to the member facing suspension from the Club. Visitors’ fees are £5 per guest.
Appropriate smart tennis clothes and tennis shoes must be worn.
Junior/Coaching Section
Coaching have priority on 3 courts between 4pm and 6pm on weekdays during School Holidays.
For organised coaching please contact the Club Coach or the Club Captain, see below.
The Club takes part in Inter Club leagues and occasionally arranges friendly matches against other Clubs. To participate in these events please look out for notices placed on the Notice Boards or contact the Club Captain, Helen Creasey 740480. Tournaments take place during the year; the dates are publicised beforehand and entry forms placed in the Clubhouse.
Club Sessions
Take place on Fridays from 6.00pm, Sunday Mornings will also be a Club morning from 9-12 noon. Members are invited to come along and mix in. Both sessions are aimed at senior players, however, competent juniors are also welcome. If in doubt about your standard juniors should see the Club Coach or the committee person on duty.
Monday to Friday 4pm to 6pm (during term time except Bank Holidays)
Junior Coaching (Depending on numbers)
Saturday (10am to 2pm part year only) Singles League
Tuesday and Thursday evenings Late April to July
Inter Club Leagues
Club Sessions Sunday & Wednesday mornings and Friday evenings
Tues/Thurs 10.00am to 12.00pm Ladies morning
Tues/Thurs 1.30pm to 3.30pm Men’s Afternoon
Committee Contact Details.
President: Richard Smeed, Treasurer Stewart Conchar, Secretary Louise Inder Club Welfare Officer: Polly Muir
Club Captain: Helen Creasey
Club Coach: Richard Smeed 07781438610
Club Website
Email address
For Membership enquiries
This allows parents whose children are having coaching lessons at the club to play only with their children and are not permitted to play with or invite other senior members at any other time.
Regular Club Sessions
Social Tennis Sessions for Club Members
Simply turn up and play, in a relaxed and fun environment.

Sunday Mornings – Club Morning
This is a great way to “loosen” the limbs and build up your appetite for Sunday lunch.
Make sure you don’t leave too early, as you may miss the coffee and biscuits towards 11.30ish!

Rusty Rackets - Saturday Afternoon
If you have not represented St Martins Lawn Tennis Club in the State Street Inter-Club Leagues and would like to, please contact the captain of each of the respective teams.
The standard of tennis in these sessions is fairly high. Whilst play is officially non-competitive, no-one likes to lose!

Wednesday Mornings – Additional Club Morning

Friday Evenings – Club Night
The Friday evening session finishes near to 7.30pm, followed by a visit to a nearby pub for light refreshments and/or a bar meal.
There are a number of good pubs in St Martin’s so you are spoilt for choice!
(2 Adults + Children in full time education)
(18 +)
(Under 18's)
Those in full time education
Parent of Coached Junior
(For New Members to the Club)
Under 10's
Under 10 (on 1/1/25)
Joining Fees
Please note that subscriptions for the year 2025 are due by 31st January 2025. Members are encouraged to pay their annual subscriptions as soon as is practically possible.
A surcharge of £10 per month (seniors) / £4 per month (juniors) will be added for each month that subs are not paid.
*Terms & Conditions apply.